Simone Biles is back, two years after Tokyo 'twisties'

Simone Biles floated the idea of ​​a comeback earlier this year over margaritas with her coach, Cecil Landy.

Simone's return to the 2021 Tokyo Olympics comes more than 18 months after she made a surprise comeback due to mental health concerns.

"She told me she really wanted to give herself a chance to do this," Landy said.

Saturday night after a long hiatus, Biles will return to competitive gymnastics at the 2023 US Classic in the Chicago suburbs.

The match is a qualifier for the national championship later this month.

The 19-time world champion and four-time Olympic gold medalist is expected to compete in all four events.

It will be nearly two years since her last competitive appearance on balance beam in Tokyo.

Biles was seen practicing all four events during podium training on Friday morning.